By Carolyn McGown (FLIP volunteer and former Board member)

A wonderful part of FLIP’s progress in 2019 was an unexpected $100,000 pledge for the creation of a scholarship fund that will ensure all Lopez Island kids have access to the pool and to swim lessons, regardless of their family’s income.

The donor behind this generous pledge is FLIP board member Lisa DiGiorgio! You’re used to seeing her name on the Pulse byline but this month Lisa has agreed to be in the Pulse spotlight to bring attention to her “A Pool for All $100K Challenge”

I sat down with this dedicated board member, pool supporter and (of course) avid swimmer to learn more about her decision to create a scholarship fund in honor of her mother, Lois Grace Forney. Here are some highlights from our conversation.

Pulse: “Lisa, why do you think it’s so important for kids to learn to swim?”

Lisa D: “After FLIP tested the elementary students and found that only 9% could pass the basic Red Cross water safety test, I knew we had to get Lopez kids swimming. Besides the obvious water safety issue, there is simply JOY in knowing how to swim. The freedom of movement that kids experience in a pool can translate into a lifelong love of swimming. Mastering the skill of swimming builds confidence in and out of the water. On Lopez we have the obvious challenge of cold water and lack of a swim center which has resulted in generations of kids not being safe in the water. This is something we can change and something I feel very passionate about!”

Pulse: “Where did you learn to swim?”

Lisa D: “I don’t really remember not knowing how to swim. I grew up in south central Pennsylvania, where there are pools in every town. My parents wanted us five kids to know how to swim and I spent just about every summer day in the water as a kid. When I was seven I joined two neighborhood swim teams and swam on both of them every summer, until I was seventeen!”

Pulse: “Has swimming influenced your adult life as well?”

Lisa D: “Swimming has continued to be a big theme in my life. I am a nutritionist and had a career as the manager of WIC & Nutrition Services for King County Public Health. Our programming emphasized nutrition and activity for young children and I made sure that included referrals for free swim lessons in neighborhood pools.

I have continued to swim regularly throughout my life and eventually participated in four triathlons! I want to see island kids spend a lot of time in the water to have this healthy outlet for their energy. The confidence they will get from swimming will impact their lives positively, even if they don’t end up being triathletes!”

Pulse: “You’ve been very generous in donating to FLIP in the past, but this is a BIG gift. What motivated this “next level” donation?”

Lisa D: “It has felt good to “dig deep” for something I feel so passionate about. When my husband Tom and I reviewed our finances and saw how well my IRA had done, I knew that I wanted those gains to go to something near and dear to my heart – swimming opportunities for children from economically challenged families.

I want kids to have lessons more than once a year and to have time to practice the skills they learn. I want kids to have access to these things, regardless of family income and for ALL kids to eventually graduate from high school knowing how to swim!”

Pulse: “What is ‘A Pool for All $100K Challenge’?”

Lisa D: “Well, before the scholarship fund can be used, we need a pool! I hope that sharing my passion and commitment to the project will inspire others to dig deep and give big this year. I’m challenging FLIP supporters to raise another $100,000 toward construction during our 2019 year end campaign. If any of our supporters would like to donate directly to FLIP from their IRA, like I did, I would be happy to explain how it works. It’s relatively simple to do and a great way to lower your tax bill.”

Pulse: “Any final thoughts?”

Lisa D: “The kids who learn to swim in this pool, will grow up to be the adults who take their own children to swim in this pool and then they will become the seniors who stay fit in this pool and retain their health, community and mobility because of this pool.

Our supporters are more than just donors. They are stewards of a healthier, happier, safer future for islanders!”

Pulse: “Thanks Lisa for your story, your vision and of course, your generosity! Let’s all get inspired by this individual who is putting her time, determination and resources where her heart is!”